spilling ethos

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


i thought the unveiling of all past pain and hurt would leave me crushed
how wrong i was
not only was i crushed
i have been slammed pressed stomped left slapped cut pounded ignored taken used dropped beaten covered hidden kicked punched ripped..... i guess my point has been made
i've nothing left to fear
which is the point i guess
praying for a path to be revealed i have found quite the opposite

standing with my hands by my side looking left then right then forward
nothing in sight
no choice to make
the paths have all been covered
i see no direction
which way do i go
do i clear each of the paths and then decide
do i choose one and clear it hoping it was the correct choice

i have waited in pain and agony trying to decide what to do
today i was broken in pain
people have chosen situations i am unable to support or defend
hurt crept in from today and yesterday and many years ago
where did all this come from
why today
i don't need this i'm trying to make decisions

i have a path to clear...................
i thought i had a path to clear
it was made clear to me today
a single path is before me
it was cleared a long time ago
i am the one entangled in a mess
it was myself that needed to be cleared

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